Can't connect to "Windows XP Pro" within the office LAN (from any of computers)
Can't connect to "Windows XP Pro" within the office LAN (from any of computers)
Can't connect to "Windows XP Pro" within the office LAN (from any of computers
Ruben typed this:
How are you trying to connect? Rights can be an issue. Is the office
segmented? More info. Rich "Doc" Colley
How are you trying to connect? Trying to connect via Remote Desktop
from Win98 or Linux to the XP machine. On XP machine Remote Desktop
is enabled. Actually from within Remote Desktop utility of the Win98
the network group is visible but not separate machine. Even trying to
connect using exact IP address (without browsing the network) doesn't
lead to success.
Rights can be an issue. The users, who trying to connect have
administrative rights on XP machine
Is the office segmented? No, office is not segmented. It's small
office now with 3 PC's connected via Ethernet switch. One of those is
Win XP Pro.