Problem the movie saves up side down in MM2

  • Thread starter Thread starter Peter
  • Start date Start date


I have a problem when I record a movie with my webcam. When I stop
recording, the movie will be turned up side down. Howe will I do solving
this problem.
What model is the webcam - maybe someone has the same one and you can
compare drivers or something.

In the mean time until you figure it out - try the rotate 180 effect.
Hello Peter,

What make of camera is it?
If you use the software that came with it, does the image appear the
right way up
Is your camera upside down (Mine is, but the interface allows me to
correct that)

Once I set the interface up I do not have to mess with it
matter what software I use the image always appears the right way around.

One test you can do.....assuming your web cam has this ability...Open up
your Windows Explorer then open up My Computer. If you can see your camera
in the list click it once. An image (moving) should appear in the right hand
pane. If you got this far, which way round is the image?

Using the software that came with the camera can you capture a few
seconds of Video (Without changing any of the settings) What is the filename
extension? the bit after the "." That might just give us a clue.

Best Wishes.....John Kelly
See this

Q: When I capture from an AVI file, the video is upside-down. How do I fix this?
A: Some capture devices create AVI files that do not fully conform to published specifications. Upside-down video may happen with the YUY2 pixel format only. To prevent this problem, you can either set the driver on your capture device to use a different pixel format, or you can "flip" the image if your driver provides such a feature. Or you can select the Flip vertically check box on the Processing tab of the Properties panel. Note that if you are sourcing directly from the capture device without creating an AVI file, the encoder automatically uses a pixel format that displays the video correctly. Acceptable pixel formats include the following: IYUV (or I420) (12 bits per pixel), YV12 (12 bits per pixel), RGB 24 (24 bits per pixel), RGB 32 (32 bits per pixel), RGB 16 (16 bits per pixel), YVU9 (9 bits per pixel), and RGB 8 (8 bits per pixel).