Problem setting Form.height above 1000px on displays with 1024x768 (.Net framework 1.1)

  • Thread starter Thread starter Mikkel Faarup
  • Start date Start date

Mikkel Faarup

Hi All

I am are experiencing difficulties setting Windows.Form heights above
around 1000px on screens with the resolution set to 1024x768.
The form is simply cut off and a scrollbar is set.
The form is inside a mainform and consists of a tabpage-control -
these tabbed pages should be shown in full length/height and not set
scrollable - the mainform should scroll down to view the tabbed pages!

There is no problem in bigger resolutions, but on the target laptop it
is not satisfactory.
Here you get an outer scrollbar + an inner scrollbar for the tabbed
page :o(

Any help greatly appreciated.

Best regards

Mikkel Faarup
Cap Gemini Denmark
If you want to disable the automatic scroll-bars, set AutoScroll to false.
But why would you want to have such a big window... Big windows are not
very portable.

- VJ
I assume this is during Design Time.

Although not recommended, I'd suggest you open up the Code view and look
under "InitializeComponent ()" method. Look for the tab page control (say,
tabControl1) and set its size manually - "this.tabControl1.Size = new Size
(400, 1000);"

This way, you work around designer's limitation.

If it's during run time, you can set the size in the constructor of the form
(after InitializeComponent ()) call.