I have a Dell Insprion e1505 with windows xp home, 2Gb Ram, 80GB HD, and have run into quite a dilemma while reformatting my PC. I first tried to boot from the disk but ended up getting an error early in the installation involving error code 7: halal cpi or something to my effect and the setup aborts everytime at that point. I then tried to just do it from the hard drive and managed to get to the point of deleting the partitions, but I couldn't delete the main partition because it contains setup files necessary for installation. I went ahead and did it over the current partition and other than skipping three errors managed to reinstall over my current version, which is good but the main reason I wanted to reformat was to get rid of all the junk which as you probably know is still there on the hard drive but just not in the menus and such.