Problem receiving and sending email in Outlook 2002



I have Outlook 2002 SP3 installed on Windows XP Home
SP2. I am also running McAfee Security Center. Two days
ago, I began reciving an error message when sending
email. I don't have the exact message, but it was unable
to contact the server. Email that was received, remained
on the server so it would download multiple copies of the
same messages. At that point, I was still able to
receive email. Even with all of the McAfee products
diabled, I still have the same problems outlined below.

About 12 hours later, I noticed that I was reciving an
error when sending and receiving and the send/receive
status would hang at about 50% then restart.

The only way that I can send and receive email is to
close outlook and reopen it. It will send and receive
with the first sync, but the status stays at 100% and
won't receive or send additional messages.

I have two additional accounts defined in Outlook, each
with separate log-ons. Thos accounts work fine. They
send and receive with the first sync, complete that sync,
and are able to send and receive subsequent email

I contacted my ISP (Comcast). They said that none of the
servers are having problems. (I am able to go through
webmail, access my mail and send and receive with no
problems.) THey also said that other users have reported
problems once installing SP@, but I was upgraded to SP2
about 2 or 3 weeks ago and the problem is just
occurring. I also contact McAfee. They tried several
things, none of which worked. Both told me to contact

Does anyone have any ideas as to the the solution for my



I get overnight Timeout messages from my ISP becuase they shutdown their
server for a short while to do daily routine maintenance. I also get
illogical Message Status 100% at times when it was not done. But these
happened long before XP SP2 and I use AVG

What does the Log file say for this mail server? Is it enabled? If not try
Outlook: Tools> Options>Other>Advanced Options>> Enable mail Logging
I think this is the log file.

C:\Documents and Settings\YOURLOGINNAME\Local Settings\Temp\OPMLog.log


The log file has TOO MANY lines to tell you all of it and
I don't understnad what a lot of it means. I noticed
that it shows RCPT (I'm assuming a receipt) to an email
address I don't know. I also see a couple of forwards to
email addresses that I don't know.

This is part of the log file:

2004.10.07 11:40:07 Callback::LogText[THIS:
001d45e8] (flags = LTF_TRACE, hr = 00000000, code =
2004.10.07 11:40:07 "CPOPDeleteTask:
Begin execution")
2004.10.07 11:40:07 Callback::ExecuteThread[THIS:
001d45e8] (00001000) returns 00000000
2004.10.07 11:40:07 Callback::ReportStatus[THIS:
001d45e8] (ulAsynchPhase = RSF_CONNECTED) Progress = 1/3
2004.10.07 11:40:07 Callback::LogText[THIS:
001d45e8] 2004.10.07 11:40:07 Callback::ReportStatus
[THIS: 001b38b8] (ulAsynchPhase = RSF_COMPLETED, hrStatus
= 0x00000000)
(flags = LTF_TRACE, hr = 00000000, code = 00000000,
2004.10.07 11:40:07 "POP3: [tx] DELE 2")
2004.10.07 11:40:07 Callback::LogText[THIS:
001d45e8] (flags = LTF_TRACE, hr = 00000000, code =
2004.10.07 11:40:07 "POP3: <rx> +OK")
2004.10.07 11:40:07 Callback::ReportStatus[THIS:
001d45e8] (ulAsynchPhase = RSF_INPROGRESS) Progress = 2/3
2004.10.07 11:40:08 DeleteCallback::ChangeInfo
[THIS: 001d45e8] (URL =
returns 0x00000000
2004.10.07 11:40:08 Callback::ReportStatus[THIS:
001d45e8] (ulAsynchPhase = RSF_INPROGRESS) Progress = 3/3
2004.10.07 11:40:08 Callback::ReportStatus[THIS:
001d45e8] (ulAsynchPhase = RSF_COMPLETED, hrStatus =
2004.10.07 11:40:30 ResourceObject [THIS: 001b1ca8]:
Synchronize called (flags = 00000031)
2004.10.07 11:40:30 ResourceObject [THIS: 001b1ca8]:
Synch operation queued

The last two entries are repeated every minute up to the
current time.

Any ideas what it means?

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