Problem reaching Internet Via Cable Modem


frank zappala

I have recently acquired cable modem service. I have
verified my connection with Ping. I can connect on my Win
XP machine. When I try to connect with my Win 2000
machine, I get "page cannot be diplayed" Server not found
or DNS error. I can still surf with the dial up. It is
the way I am transmitting this message. I have exhausted
all the support options with Comcast, they are washing
there hand of the issue since I can connect with one

I have reset the internet setting serveral times, and
reloaded IE6 Patch 1 from a fresh download. I am out of
options and need som help. What other settings not
associatied with IE settings can cause this problem. When
I run Norton System Doctor it finds one error it cannot
fix. It is associated with Sys 32\MAPISRVR.EXE not being
able to locate gap32.dll.

Can anyone help me with this?

Michael Johnston [MSFT]

In additional to what William has suggested, many cable modems learn the mac address of the device plugged into them. So if you swap between
computers, the new computer will not have access through the cable modem until the cable modem is restarted. Once it's restarted, it learns the new MAC.
Try this, unplug the XP box from the network. Plug in the W2k box. Restart the cable modem and have the W2k client renew it's IP address. Does it get an IP
address and DNS entries? Try pinging the DNS servers by their IP addresses. Does this work?

Thank you,
Mike Johnston
Microsoft Network Support

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