Judy said:
Is there some type of issue with Vista and printing TIFF files?
I've seen mentioned from time to time but don't remember any solutions.
Here's a workaround that Google picked up:
Re: Printing faxes received as .tif files
Wednesday, March 21, 2007, 11:27:55 AM | RobLigouri
This isn't a fix for the actual problem but a workaround. On a machine
with Vista Business and Office 2007 Basic, I installed Microsoft Office
Document Imaging (MODI) and made it the default program for tif and
tiff files. My Office installation did not have MODI installed by
default, so I had to go to the new Vista Add/Remove Programs (Programs
and setting i believe) and 'change' my Office installation. MODI can
be found under Office Tools, but it wouldn't install when I just chose
'Run from my computer' for MODI (maybe an error). So select 'Run all
from my computer' for Office Tools and that should do the trick. When
you change the file type associations, the executable can be found in
program files\common files\microsoft shared\modi\12.0\mspview.exe or
something along those lines (why not just the MS Office directory???).
I successfully printed a couple of tif attachments correctly with this
setup this morning. Hope this works for everyone.
Here are a couple more:
While not directly bearing on your issue, make this registry change
Some scanners produce compressed .TIF formats that Vista cannot now
handle gracefully. Samsung scanners, for instance, use a version of
compression called "JPEG (in TIFF)". I do not know what compression
method is being used, but it is clear that the image contains
grayscales and is compressed, and Vista is having an issue with the
compression schema.
Suggestion: download and install Irfranview. This is a tremendous
freeware package, that also works under Vista. Use this to open and
print your .tif documents:
http://www.irfanview.com/ If you associate
the software with your .TIF and other formats, it will work seamlessly
to open any saved .tif document.
I tried many freeware viewer/editor and I had no luck.
But Irfranview did!
It worked like a charm, I was able to view and print with the same
So it is the compression schema that Vista had a problem with...
These days many corporate level copier/scanner uses either tif or pdf.
pdf is getting popular but I think the trend is still with tif or other
image types.
I will get by with this problem using Irfranview, installing it to all
Vista users but hopefully this gets addressed quickly by Microsoft.
Is this something I can call MS and report it as a bug?
Anyway, I will change the registry and use Irfranview for now.
Thank you so much for your information!
This will really save my life.
Try a Google on [Vista and printing TIFF files] if no-one here produces
an answer for you.