When I printed off a page last week, it printed off normally. This week when
I pressed print, there was a fax installed as my default printer - I had not
installed (to my knowledge) a fax!
When I defaulted back to my Lexmark printer, instead of the internet page
printing all I can get to print seems to be something from my temp files.
When I look at the text carefully it seems to be the web page code - if that
is the right terminology?!
I can print from other programs such as word but not the internet, can
anyone help?
Thanks in advance.
I pressed print, there was a fax installed as my default printer - I had not
installed (to my knowledge) a fax!
When I defaulted back to my Lexmark printer, instead of the internet page
printing all I can get to print seems to be something from my temp files.
When I look at the text carefully it seems to be the web page code - if that
is the right terminology?!
I can print from other programs such as word but not the internet, can
anyone help?
Thanks in advance.