Problem print e-mail

  • Thread starter Thread starter PIETRO82
  • Start date Start date


Hello to all, I am using outlook express in order to manage my e-mail.
In the moment in which stamp e-mail the these come it prints to you
with an anomaly: some sequences of characters in many cases pieces of
entire phrase comes repeated two times. If I forward the message on an
other PC where the same one is installed program and the printing stamp
with the same this does not happen. es: . you approach your intinerario
you approach your route in order to see i your travels etc ..... I have
noticed that phrase pieces that come repeated always find in the final
piece of the line. I thought was a virus.... Null the PC is cleaned up
has installed a pair of antivirus and I have made one scansion...

Thanks to all
PIETRO82 said:
Hello to all, I am using outlook express in order to manage my e-mail.

Then you're in the wrong newsgroup. This one is for Office Outlook, a
completely different program. Ask yoiur question in