For the last few days some of my web site users have been having
problems posting asp.net forms. This problem arises everytime they try
to post a form in asp.net, but never when the page is plain old asp.
The different forms are on the same web site. None of the asp.net
forms work, but all the asp forms work. There is no problem just
loading an asp.net page, it's just when posting the page the errors
When the user tries to post the form the page starts loading and
continues to do so for at least 20-30 seconds, then the normal Page
could not be shown error shows up. The event log does not show any
The users are on different networks, have both PCs and MACs and have
at least Firefox and IE. Some have Norton and some haven't (probably
at least, that's what they said, but they may be wrong)
This problem is driving me nuts... Please help me!
problems posting asp.net forms. This problem arises everytime they try
to post a form in asp.net, but never when the page is plain old asp.
The different forms are on the same web site. None of the asp.net
forms work, but all the asp forms work. There is no problem just
loading an asp.net page, it's just when posting the page the errors
When the user tries to post the form the page starts loading and
continues to do so for at least 20-30 seconds, then the normal Page
could not be shown error shows up. The event log does not show any
The users are on different networks, have both PCs and MACs and have
at least Firefox and IE. Some have Norton and some haven't (probably
at least, that's what they said, but they may be wrong)
This problem is driving me nuts... Please help me!