Problem playing single clip

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I imported an MPEG which MM2 split into clips. When I double-clicked a clip, it played that clip, then stopped. Later, I imported another MPEG. Now, when I double click a clip, it plays that clip, but continues with the following clip?? Between time, I did install Sonic MyDVD v5.3 deluxe so that I can save to DVD. I will probably try uninstalling MyDVD to see if this helps, although I really want to be able to use MyDVD at the end of the day.
Hello there,

Whilst MM2 can import an MPeg or MP3 file, its not really a good idea because
of the many compression types resulting in an MP.. file Its much better for MM2
if you give it an AVI file instead of MPeg or WAV file instead of MP3 file.
There are a good many utilities around that will do the conversion for you....a
search for MPEG CONVERTER should find a fistful for you to play with.
Hi there,

You have good reasons for not believing that its an incompatibility problem.
But, if its not the fact that its the old MPeg problem I have no idea. I don't
think I have ever heard of anyone who has been able to use more than two clips
within one project and where one immediately follows the other.

Perhaps someone else has an idea what could be wrong.
Your symptoms are all classic ones related to trying to use MPEG2 files as
source files in MM2. Even if you think they are working, you run into issues
like ones you are seeing.

You should convert them to AVI files before using them in MM2.
Movie Maker 2:
PhotoStory 2:
Nigel_gm said:
Thanks John. I appreciate what you say, but I am not sure that it is the
cause of my problem. As I said, I have 2 MPEGs which I imported into MM2
giving me 2 collections. With the first, it produced the clips, and would
preview single clips, not going onto the next clip. Now, even with that
first collection (i.e. I am not re-importing, so the data in the clips
hasn't changed), it no longer plays a single clip. I know how long a clip
is, and in the preview window, I see the time advance. When it gets to the
end of the clip, the time stops advancing, but the preview continues,
showing further clips. Whilst I can live with this, it makes it difficult to
decide if a clip is ok to add to the storyboard. (My original source was a
camcorder recording which MM2 has divided into > 100 clips).
Thanks again for responding.