Excel Problem pasting table from Word to Excel/Publisher

Jul 11, 2005
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I'm attempting to paste a table (with a title above it) from Word to either Excel or Publisher. However, on selecting 'paste special' then, 'MS Office Word document object', the table and title paste across, but about 1cm is missing from the left, so the beginning of the title and the left hand edge of the table, plus it's contents on the left are missing. I've tried all other paste options, but I really do need to paste it as a Word object so I can add to it at a later date if need be. I even tried pasting it into Paint and the same thing happened!

When I tried it last week, it worked in Publisher, but not Excel, but today, nothing works!

Help, please!

Thank you!

To import a WORD document into EXCEL, for me, I found the best way to do it is to INSERT it as an OBJECT. The object remains editable and easily sizable in EXCEL. To do this, sellect a spot on your spreadhseet. Go to INSERT/OBJECT. Here you have two choices, either creat a new object in a specified format insert that or you can Create From File an object by browsing for the desired file you want to insert and select it. There are various options you can use and I would recommend experimenting.

I hope this helps!