Can someone please help. I have a class that contains the following
Structure (called MyStructure) and sub (called MainSub). And this 1st
class inherits a 2nd class that contains a sub called
Get_Values_From_MyStructure. My problem is in sub
Get_Values_From_MyStructure. Since Get_Values_From_MyStructure is
inherited by many different classes, its parameter i_obj_Structure will
contain various Structure definitions. And thats a problem when using
GetType(). I have tried substitutng the code GetType(i_obj_Structure)
in place of GetType(MyStructure) but it didn't work. PLEASE HELP. Thank
you VERY much
Public Structure MyStructure
Public Field1 As String
Public Field2 As Boolean
End Structure 'MyStructure
Public Sub MainSub
Dim l_MyStructure As New MyStructure 'Local Structure
l_MyStructure.Field1 = "AA"
l_MyStructure.Field2 = True
Call Get_Values_From_MyStructure(l_MyStructure)
End Sub 'MainSub
Private Sub Get_Values_From_MyStructure (ByVal i_obj_Structure As
'-- This works. But Instead of hardcoding MyStructure
'-- in the GetType(MyStructure), I need to have the
'-- structure type that is passed in the parameter
'-- i_obj_Structure, since MyStructure willnot always
'-- be used.
Dim l_FieldInfo As Reflection.FieldInfo =
MsgBox("Get value:" & l_FieldInfo.GetValue(i_obj_Structure))
End Sub 'Get_Values_From_Record 'Get_Values_From_Structure
Can someone please help. I have a class that contains the following
Structure (called MyStructure) and sub (called MainSub). And this 1st
class inherits a 2nd class that contains a sub called
Get_Values_From_MyStructure. My problem is in sub
Get_Values_From_MyStructure. Since Get_Values_From_MyStructure is
inherited by many different classes, its parameter i_obj_Structure will
contain various Structure definitions. And thats a problem when using
GetType(). I have tried substitutng the code GetType(i_obj_Structure)
in place of GetType(MyStructure) but it didn't work. PLEASE HELP. Thank
you VERY much
Public Structure MyStructure
Public Field1 As String
Public Field2 As Boolean
End Structure 'MyStructure
Public Sub MainSub
Dim l_MyStructure As New MyStructure 'Local Structure
l_MyStructure.Field1 = "AA"
l_MyStructure.Field2 = True
Call Get_Values_From_MyStructure(l_MyStructure)
End Sub 'MainSub
Private Sub Get_Values_From_MyStructure (ByVal i_obj_Structure As
'-- This works. But Instead of hardcoding MyStructure
'-- in the GetType(MyStructure), I need to have the
'-- structure type that is passed in the parameter
'-- i_obj_Structure, since MyStructure willnot always
'-- be used.
Dim l_FieldInfo As Reflection.FieldInfo =
MsgBox("Get value:" & l_FieldInfo.GetValue(i_obj_Structure))
End Sub 'Get_Values_From_Record 'Get_Values_From_Structure