Problem opening .mht file

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I find it very practical indeed to register web pages using the .mht
extension because first one single file is better than a folder and a file
and, second, it's easier to consult web pages when being not connected. Since
a few days if I still can use that possibity, my browser IExplore
6.0.2900.2180 will not open the mht files properly. Instead of displaying the
page as an ordinary web pages it shows someting that looks like xml code (see
below an example).
So my question is very simple : what can I do to fix it ?
I found no resource to solve my problem on the web neither in Microsoft
windows help pages.

Brief example of coding which displays when I open a .mht file :
------=_NextPart_000_0000_01C65828.E6852760 Content-Type:
application/octet-stream Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 Content-Location:
Thanks for your help.
foulweather said:
I find it very practical indeed to register web pages using the .mht
extension because first one single file is better than a folder and a file
and, second, it's easier to consult web pages when being not connected. Since
a few days if I still can use that possibity, my browser IExplore
6.0.2900.2180 will not open the mht files properly. Instead of displaying the
page as an ordinary web pages it shows someting that looks like xml code (see
below an example).
So my question is very simple : what can I do to fix it ?

Try MVP Kai Schaetzl's repair cmd script.
Download it from here:

Many thanks for your help. It worked. Internet Explorer succeeded to open the
mht files. The only remaining small problem concerns the icon, which is the
generic one and not the specific .mht icon despite my efforts to fix it in
the tools menu, options folder...
Thanks again.

"Robert Aldwinckle" a écrit :