Sonja van der Neut
Powerpoint can't open an empty presentation anymore.
Existing presentations don't give any problems.
This problem was temporarily solved by creating a new
profile, but after 10 days, the problem was back again,
which means that after clicking the powerpoint icon, the
first screens apears, but that's it.
Does there exist, like the normal.dot for word, a template
for Powerpoint, that can be corrupt? Or does anyone have
another idea?
Existing presentations don't give any problems.
This problem was temporarily solved by creating a new
profile, but after 10 days, the problem was back again,
which means that after clicking the powerpoint icon, the
first screens apears, but that's it.
Does there exist, like the normal.dot for word, a template
for Powerpoint, that can be corrupt? Or does anyone have
another idea?