The find function works just fine - you just have to tell it to include
hidden and system folders in the find.
Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]
Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact.
After searching and finding no answer
RS <> asked:
| Whoops !! When I went to check again, regarding the date on that
| OUTLOOK.PST file that is on my un-booting hard drive .... this time I
| accidently went to the location manually where Jeremy said to look
| ... not where "FIND" found an old one in my backup folder...
| supposedly the only one on that hard drive.
| Well, surprise, surprise, there it was, where Jeremy said it normally
| would be ... and guess what folks ... the date of the .pst is
| mid-September of this year !! So what the heck is wrong with the
| FIND function ... that it would miss this file !??
| Anyway, if I use this file to simply over-write my
| less-than-up-to-date .pst file on my working computer ... will all be
| well ? Will my Notes and Memo's be there too ?
| Thanks !
| -RS-
| || Thanks, on my working machine, the .pst file was right where you
|| said it shoult be for XP.
|| However on the HDD that I want to get my last .pst file off of, that
|| locaton (C:\Documents and Settings\%USERNAME%\Local
|| Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Outlook) only has:
|| - extend.dat
|| - Microsoft Outlook Internet Settings.FAV
|| - Microsoft Outlook Internet Settings.NICK
|| - outcmd.dat
|| - views.dat
|| There is a outlook.pst file on that drive, but in a backup folder,
|| and the date of the .pst file is last year. Not that does not make
|| sense does it? My latest outlook should have a big file with a date
|| of at most a month or so ago ???
|| Thanks!
|| -RS-
|| ||| RS,
||| That's a bad sign....
||| Have you tried searching for files larger than X MB, or if it was
||| relatively small, search for most recently modified files?
||| (Depending on the OS you can have areas where find will not search
||| if your using the Indexing service)
||| I have sometimes seen the search feature not find things that were
||| clearly there... I suggest you explicitly browse to the path where
||| the PST or OST would be on a default install..
||| Make sure you have "Show Hidden Files" turned on (varies from OS to
||| OS, generally in explorer's Tools -> Options)
||| (%USERNAME% is the name of the user you are logged in as, if you see
||| multiple entries ending with a .001 .002 try the highest number
||| first, trying all of them until you find what your looking for)
||| For a clean Win2K or XP install (not an upgrade) check:
||| C:\Documents and Settings\%USERNAME%\Local Settings\Application
||| Data\Microsoft\Outlook
||| for a NT4 and NT4 upgraded to XP or 2K :
||| C:\WINNT\Profiles\%USERNAME%\Local Settings\Application
||| Data\Microsoft\Outlook
||| Other places to check:
||| C:\Windows\%USERNAME%\Local Settings\Application
||| Data\Microsoft\Outlook C:\Windows\Profiles\%USERNAME%\Local
||| Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Outlook
||| C:\Windows\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Outlook
||| If you can't find anything you need to either perform a disk
||| check/scan and attempt to repair any damage, or restore from a
||| older backup... (when it comes down to it, regular backups of
||| important information are necessary)
||| -Jeremy
||| |||| Searched for *.wab and *.ost, but nothing was found.
|||| I have checked for *.chk files over 1 MB in size, but none were
|||| found.
|||| -RS-
|||| ||||| You need to include more information...
||||| Generally it will be a .PST, but depending on the server you are
||||| connecting to, it might be a .OST
||||| also, there is a slim chance that your addresses may not be
||||| stored in this file depending on how you have your addressing
||||| setup... you might also search for .WAB
||||| If you cannot find and PST files, but have at least one OST then
||||| your contacts may actually be stored on your e-mail server..
||||| They should also be cached in the OST file... (some of them
||||| anyways)
||||| if you don't have an OST or a PST, your best bet might be to try
||||| and run some disk tools to fix any damage done..
||||| (chkdsk - best run from XP's recovery console - you can boot the
||||| recovery console from the original CD)
||||| (if you have already done this your PST file may have been
||||| changed into a .CHK file.. )
||||| -Jeremy
||||| |||||| Operating System is WinXP pro, in both systems.
|||||| I had Outlook 2000 on a system that just recently became
| upbootable.
||| All
||||| the
|||||| data is on the drive (as far as I can tell). I had been using
|||||| Outlook 2000 and updating it until the system became unbootable
|||||| a couple of weeks ago.
|||||| I want to move my Contacts from that old hard drive to the
|||||| current computer, which also has OL2000. I just need contacts,
|||||| nothing else.
|||||| The old hard drive is not bootable, so I plugged it in as a
|||||| slave and searched for "outlook.pst" ... however, I only find
|||||| one
| outlook.pst
||| in
|||| a
|||||| backup folder and the date of the file is sometime last year,
|||||| i.e. 2002 !! (??)
|||||| All my searches on USENET tell me that the file should be called
|||||| outlook.pst ... I have also searched for *.pst ... and
|||||| outlook.* ... But no more recent file was found.
|||||| Thanks for any tips !
|||||| -RS-