Problem Logging Online



Every time I connect to the internet, I get an error
message saying to save work and that the computer will be
shut down in 1 minute by NT AUTHORITY/SYSTEM . It says the
RPC (remote procedure call) was terminated unexpectadly.
This happens mostly just after ive connected. What can I
do to get it away? Is it a virus? PS THis reply is not
from the same pc. Thanks in advance.

Ron Lowe

James said:
Every time I connect to the internet, I get an error
message saying to save work and that the computer will be
shut down in 1 minute by NT AUTHORITY/SYSTEM . It says the
RPC (remote procedure call) was terminated unexpectadly.
This happens mostly just after ive connected. What can I
do to get it away? Is it a virus? PS THis reply is not
from the same pc. Thanks in advance.

You have been infected with the W32/Lovsan worm,
also refered to as the msblast worm, or RPC worm:

Disconnect the network cable from the infected machine
untill you have completed disinfection.

The following page contains a link to a standalone removal
tool which you can download and run:
(Read the notes for XP users re. System Restore.)

Then download and install the patch from here:
( be sure to get the correct one. )

Then, you ought to consider running a firewall which would block
this kind of intrusion. By not having a firewall in place, you not only
run the risk of getting infected yourself, you also risk infecting others
when your machine is compromised.

Also, you may want to visit windowsupdate from time to time and
pick up the latest Critical updates. These are often released to plug
any security hole before any malicious code is in the wild which
exploits that hole. This security hole was plugged around a month ago.

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