ItemActivate event after changing the Activation property
Yes, I have tried ItemActivae, but it requires users to tap twice in
order to fire the ItemActivate event....
so I am wondering any work around ?
If you searched the archives you found that another approach is to use
the ItemActivate event after changing the Activation property.
I have done some research on the newsgroup....some suggest
selectedindexchanged which I am using now and I face problem. I am so
sorry that maybe I did
not explain my problem previous mail...
the listview click event is not supported. I am using
selectedindexchanged...but i
face some problem.
under selectedindexchanged....
Problem 1 - when I click on the same item second time, it will not
the particular event.
e.g when I select the Item1 on FormA to show FormB, FormB will be
shown up,
when I close FormB, FormA will be showing up again, and remain Item1
pre-selected item. When I tap the Item1 is supposed to
shown up
FormB, but it did not show up, but remain there....nothing happen
Problem2 - when I click on the whitspot area in the Listview, it
should unhighlighted the pre-selected item, but when I use
selectedindexchanged, and I click on the whitspot in the listview, it
will fire the pre-selecteditem event.
Problem3 - when I select Item1 under FormA, to show FormB, my FormA
is hide, but the inputpanel and the mainmenu of FormA will still
remain there when the FormB is shown. Only I click on FormB, then
inputpanel and mainmenu of FormA will be disappeared.
pls guide me how to solved the above three problem
"Paul G. Tobey [eMVP]" <ptobey no spam AT no instrument no spam DOT
wrote in message Here's a link for searching the .NET CF newsgroup archives via
Paul T.
"<ctacke/>" <ctacke_AT_OpenNETCF_com> wrote in message
THis has been asked and answered many times. Search the archives
details on a workaround, but the short answer is that the Click
isn't supported on the ListView.
I tried to use the Click event under Listiview under .net compact
framework environment.
but to my suprice, i found Click event is not it
? pls guide me how to use it....
i try to pop up a message pop when the user click on the
under .net framework, i have no problem poping a message box
but under .net compact framework, no matter how many times i click
listview, there are no message box poping up. so the Click event
seem to
be not working at all...? pls guide me