Problem installing windows


Member Extraordinaire
Dec 31, 2004
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Right this is the problem my brother has tried reinstalling windows because he was getting his fair share of crashes and thought reinstalling would sort this, but it has given him one big headache since although everything was fine prior to this....

Anyway whilst installing windows it gets to the checking hardware and then it just hangs and gives this error message.

File\i386\ntkrnlmp.exe could not be loaded error code 7 setup cannot continue

Right he has tried 3 different hard drives, the motherboards been swapped out and he's tried 2 different dvd roms in the machine and 2 different sticks of Corsair ram seperately and still the problem persists.

He's also tried different power settings in the ACPI in the bios to see if that would help..And the BIOS is now set to default...

Spec is

Athlon64 4000 san diego
Asus A8N SLI deluxe
2X 512 Corsair value select matched pair
XFX geforce 6800 ultra 256mb
Maxtor 160 gig IDE
LG dvd writer and a Generic dvd rom
Qtec 650watt psu
Water cooling

Please somebody help put my brother out of his torment as he is just about to dump the whole lot in a skip....:eek:
Hang on a moment ... I'll just go and get my Skip Lorry. :thumb:

CL ... that is a classic hardware problem ... go back to basics.

Take the MB out of the case and build it on a bit of cardboard with only what is needed to get it working.

Dump the water and use a good HSF ... try another PSU ... only use one DVD, better still, just use a CDRom drive.

Cut it back to essential only, and try again ... :thumb:
I know this might sound silly but is the CD Ok? Is it scratched? Does it need a clean?
Look closer at the ram / BIOS settings ... you are sure the ram IS compatible with that board.

Yes it's Corsair value select which is listed on the Asus website...

2 different windows disks flopp's no scratches..

Also just tested the 12 volt rail and thats fine from the psu..

Whats the proper procedure for testing the 3 and 5 volt rail...if you would fella's
PotGuy said:
i hope this isnt a common problem - thats pretty close to the spec i want :O
It is more common than a slice of toast ...

The "error" is a RAM incompatibility or faulty ram. OR, faulty ram sockets or BIOS/ram timings wrong.

hahaha ... or NOT enough juice getting to the ram.


*just to cover my back*
Well we tried another cdrom drive and no deal same error message, then bought another ram stick, stuck that in and still no deal, and swapped another Graphics card and still no deal so just ordered a new psu Hiper 580watt true power will try that when it arrives....

If the Psu doesn't do it then get your skip lorrys out...:eek: as me bro has just about had enough and would of swapped every piece of hardware out for new like for like...

I must admit this problem is just about getting on my nerves now cause me bro is like a bear with a sore head from the last 3-4 weeks trying to sort this piece of s*** errhh i mean computer out...

So if you bods have got anymore possible solutions out there then don't be shy will ya....Sensible suggestions only please as we have tried almost everything already...;)
Did you take it ALL out of the case?

Skip lorry is ready. ;)
To be honest muck's its been stripped in and out of the case so many times now, that me bro's had it with it....

You know the thread that Ian opened a few months ago about have you inflicted actual physical Harm on your computer, well no joke me bro is a Gnats C**k away from GCH......Grevious Computer Harm....and you can laugh but i'm not joking he really is....:mad:
... and I'm not joking either.

I have never put a system into a case without first checking the basic components out first.

I know this is not easy for the 'home builder' but it will help eliminate one or two potential problems ... and I don't care how fantastic a case is supposed to be. Been there, seen it, done it, But never bothered with the t-shirt.

Step back, tell your Bro' to take a break for a day ... but don't get angry, it just makes things worse.

Did you take my advice and get a HSF ... bugger the water, it ain't that good ... do you want a PC that works or a fancy lump of crap?

It would take you 3mins to whip out your PSU from your PC to try ... it would take me 30sec.

Go back to basics ... use only what you need to get it working ... and you do not need a case to get a system to run ... above all, take your time.

fatherchristmas said:
could this be a proccessor problem at all, ? if all other avenues have been followed correctly
Yep ...
Well folks it was the CPU

Yep after all the chopping and changing, it was the cpu, ebuyer without any trubs changed me two mother boards and a cpu b4 i got it working, nice one ebuyer. see they do help there buyers some times, :o))
Hmmm, fatherchrismas comes early this year. ;)

Two MBs & a CPU ... before it works. :confused:

Remind me not to buy anything off Ebuyer then ... even if returns are easy. :D
Yeah the first motherboard was changed about a month ago and was tested by ebuyer and deemed as faulty, Bro was sent another MB and after much hair pulling and Cussing and 2 weeks later after swapping virtually every component out for another, we came to the conclusion that it was either the Processor or MB that was faulty again and decided to send them both back, when ebuyer recieved them they were both tested as faulty and replacements were sent and recieved in just over a week, and that was over the christmas period as well so can't fault ebuyer for pulling all the stops out on that one...

The components were fitted again and the entire setup worked, so there you have the saga to conclusion...:thumb:

The moral of this little tale is if you get this particular error... ( File\i386\ntkrnlmp.exe could not be loaded error code 7 setup cannot continue) then me and me bro wish you good luck and prepare for many sleepless nights as the solution isn't on any of the normal avenues or forums, Microsoft, Tech sites or anywhere else on the web, Solutions point to completely different directions you just have to swap components in and out until you find the faulty component thats causing the problem...Main advice everywhere pointed in the direction of Faulty Ram or Ram Timings in the BIOS
But these were completely wrong which we found after swapping in and out various Ram modules bought new and from my machine...:(

So me Bro has his machine up and running again and windows loaded, so just remains for him to load all his drivers and software back on which is gonna take him a week cause he's got a mountain of it......Good luck Mikhail...:D

OH Happy Days.....;)

Ps Thanks to everyone who contributed to the thread and tried to help me Bro...
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I had the same exact problem on different hardware & fixed it

File \i386\ntkrnlmp.exe could not be loaded. The error code is 7 when attemping to re-install XP.

Found out that the problem was in my BIOS, by default it had set the chip as a Celeron 2800 when it was only a Celeron 2200. When I changed it, Win XP installed fine.

Not certain what caused my problem but obviously in my case something had caused the BIOS to reset to defaults.

Wish I'd figured it out before I'd formatted ;)

GL, Dan.