Problem injecting javascript in GridView

  • Thread starter Thread starter MJB
  • Start date Start date


I have a grid view that is databound to a table with 3 columns. One
column contains a customer ID. I am trying to add a 4th unbound column
that contains a button and has a javascript onclick event. I need the
id from the cusomer id column to use my onclick event. but since my
onclick event is created using a Template Field I don't know how to get
the ID to use it in my onclick. If anyone has any suggestions I would
appreciate it.

FYI I'm doing this because I'm trying to avoid a postback. I'm trying
to use ajax to make a call to the server and fill in the customer
details in a different panel.

MJB said:
I have a grid view that is databound to a table with 3 columns. One
column contains a customer ID. I am trying to add a 4th unbound column
that contains a button and has a javascript onclick event. I need the id
from the cusomer id column to use my onclick event. but since my onclick
event is created using a Template Field I don't know how to get the ID to
use it in my onclick. If anyone has any suggestions I would appreciate

FYI I'm doing this because I'm trying to avoid a postback. I'm trying to
use ajax to make a call to the server and fill in the customer details in
a different panel.

At the RowDataBound callback, You can add the onclick handler and put the id
into the argument as in something like this

Panel thisPanel = (Panel)e.Row.FindControl("ID_MyPanel");
// assume you have only a panel in your template
Button thisButton = new Button();
thisButton.attributes.Add("onclick","return ButtonHandler("' +
id_from_customer_data + "'));

id_from_customer_data is obtained from the same row# but another column or
from the actual dataitem if it is not in a cell as in
DataRowView drv = (DataRowView)e.Row.DataItem;
id_from_customer_data = drv["id_cust_data"].ToString();


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