problem in opening the forms in browser

  • Thread starter Thread starter Mohan
  • Start date Start date


hello sir,
Please check the code down below.

<script language="JavaScript" type="text/JavaScript">
<!-- Enable Stealth Mode
// Variable Definitions
var nameSpace = null;
var mailFolder = null;
var mailItem = null;
var tempDoc = null;
var outlookApp = null;
function OpenOutlookDoc(whatform)

outlookApp = new ActiveXObject("Outlook.Application");
nameSpace = outlookApp.getNameSpace("MAPI");
mailFolder = nameSpace.getDefaultFolder(6);
mailItem = mailFolder.Items.add(whatform);
// act on any error that you get
// Disable Stealth Mode -->
To use form buttons:<br>
<input type=button value="Form A" NAME="OutlookOpen1"
OnClick="OpenOutlookDoc('IPM.Note.leave request')"><br><br>

If i save the above piece of code in a .htm file and execute it, i am
getting the "leave request" form properly loaded through the browser, but if
i save this page in a Web server(IIS) and if i try to access this page, the
form is not getting loaded in my machine. Both the Server(Exchange Server
2000 + IIS is installed) and the Client has outlook2000 installed. What
could be the problem? When i try to debugg the code, it get executes till
before the line "outlookApp = new ActiveXObject("Outlook.Application");, i
feel the problem is the ActiveX obj creation. What could be the reason? Is
it due to any security constraints? Please mail me.
Javascript is not my forte, but maybe you need to include
value="RunAtClient" in the parameters for the OutlookOpen1 button.

You would also want to put the site in the Trusted Sites list for the users.