


Hi. I think this is a problem instigated by my children. I
have Windows XP and was getting an occasional blue screen
error, which was resolved by doing a hard boot (turning
the puter off, then on a minute or so later. Now, the
computer keeps recylcing something called a Windows Memory
Diagnostic when turned on, and, when I try to use X to
exit, it just starts over. It cycles through 6 tests, then
starts the process over. Is there anything I can do to
interrupt this? Will it move on after a certain number of
repeats? Is there a cause and a fix? Im not a techie, so I
need step by step help. btw, I tried Ctl/Alt/Del twice,
which turned off the puter, but when it started back up,
same thing. I also just tried to turn it off when it
started, then restart, and again, it just started the
sequence over. Help~!


Hi. I think this is a problem instigated by my children. I
have Windows XP and was getting an occasional blue screen
error, which was resolved by doing a hard boot (turning
the puter off, then on a minute or so later. Now, the
computer keeps recylcing something called a Windows Memory
Diagnostic when turned on, and, when I try to use X to
exit, it just starts over. It cycles through 6 tests, then
starts the process over. Is there anything I can do to
interrupt this? Will it move on after a certain number of
repeats? Is there a cause and a fix? Im not a techie, so I
need step by step help. btw, I tried Ctl/Alt/Del twice,
which turned off the puter, but when it started back up,
same thing. I also just tried to turn it off when it
started, then restart, and again, it just started the
sequence over. Help~!

Take your machine to a good local computer repair shop. Turning off the
computer the way you have been doing is equivalent to stopping your car
by banging it into a wall. Not a good thing. The Windows Diagnostic you
mention is not a normal part of Windows. Perhaps it is something put on
by your computer mftr. Or there is a third-party running every time you
start Windows. Since you are "not a techie", be easy on yourself and
take the machine to someone who can put it right for you.

Good luck,


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