When I try to save a project I am working on for my parents 50th wedding
anniversary so I can view it on my computer and the program gets about half
way through and it locks up. I have approximately fifty picturesand will be
scanning in about 50 more, no music or narration. My computer has a 2.8ghz
p4 with 256mb of ram. When I open the task manager it sayI have 251980 of
total physical memory, 25104 available and 49768 of system cache. Any
anniversary so I can view it on my computer and the program gets about half
way through and it locks up. I have approximately fifty picturesand will be
scanning in about 50 more, no music or narration. My computer has a 2.8ghz
p4 with 256mb of ram. When I open the task manager it sayI have 251980 of
total physical memory, 25104 available and 49768 of system cache. Any