Problem downloading AVG updates

  • Thread starter Thread starter John Corliss
  • Start date Start date

John Corliss

I am using AVG version 6.0.489 and have been unable to download new
virus signatures for a couple of weeks. Has anybody else had this trouble?
I swear, it's like going to the doctor. Never mind, I just succeeded
downloading the update.
You are not blocking any servers are you with an ad
blocker? Grisoft sometimes uses these servers when thier own are
Indigo said:
I haven't been having any problems but my version number is 6.0.491

Sorry I couldn't be of more help. :-)

Hmm. Maybe time for a fresh install. Mine is 6.0.493 2/26/2003 virus
db 292 6/25/2003
bassbag said:
You are not blocking any servers are you with an ad
blocker? Grisoft sometimes uses these servers when thier own are

Indeed, that is the case. Thanks for the tip. I'll turn off my proxies
next time I update.
I alt.comp.freeware, sa Indigo Moon Man utan att tänka först:
You are right and I got it done, thanks!

Did you really do a fresh install?
I d/l virus db 292 and the program ver. now says 6.0.493!

Arne Anka

Men det värsta är inte själva baksmällan,
den verkliga pärsen börjar när gårdagens
oundvikliga sanningar börjar rullas upp för en...
