Problem displaying .jpg files on some web page after latest Win/IE updates


Talkin Horse

Can anybody either confirm that this problem is not on my PC, or even
better, point to a solution? I've observed this problem on two PCs, both
modern Intel CPUs, with WinXP Pro and IE, and loaded with all of the latest
Microsoft critical updates. (And since the problem didn't exist until a few
days ago, I'm pretty sure it was caused or triggered by one of the most
recent security updates.) My settings are generally default, and the virus
checker is not active, and I'm not running popup blockers or the like.

This problem does not occur with all web sites, but I'll point to a web site
where it does. Here's a step-by-step process which triggers the problem on
my PC:

First, I need to get this web site,, into my
IE history list. So if you want to play along, open an IE window and just go
there, or just click to that URL. You'll probably see that the graphic
header at the top of the page and the picture at the left (labeled "Days
snap shot") display properly. If those graphics are blank or have an X, then
that's the problem. But this is probably okay for you.

Now close all of your IE windows and wait for a moment. Then open a virgin
IE window. Click to the Address field and then start to type the URL:
www.rad . As always, you'll see the drop-down list of matching URLs appear
below the address field. Do not finish typing the URL; instead use the
down-arrow key to highlight the desired URL, Then
hit ENTER. On my PC, I get to the site, but the above-mentioned graphics do
not display. There are a few other graphics on the page that do display, but
those are .gif files. All of the .jpgs don't display. You can right-click
them to check their properties, and the URLs for the individual pictures are
valid, but they don't display.

You can get the full display back by going to the Address field and typing
in the complete URL and then hitting enter. After that, you can successfully
reload using the command completion.

Can anyone confirm this and tell me that neither me nor my PCs are crazy?
What's going on?


The same thing happens to me.

I am 99% sure its a flaw in the crappy browser.
Get a normal one like mozilla netscape or opera.

Micro$oft should really fix its software.


I get the same thing, I agree with Talking Horse it must be something with
the settings, I'm just not sure what it is.

Talkin Horse

That's odd...the glitch didn't happen to me today, at least not at the site
I demonstrated in my original post. I have no new downloads or updates
received from Microsoft, no any configuration changes. Perhaps a setting on
the web server changed?

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