I’ve been working on this problem for a long time and, so far, each solution
runs into a roadblock that stops everything. I would appreciate any
suggestions. I’m trying to build a form that allows the user to pick a
table (in this mdb file) , and within that table, select several fields. It
could look something like those Microsoft wizards where there is a list box
on the left, and the user uses pointer controls identified with “>†and “<â€
to move variables from the box on the left to the box on the right. It could
also be something very different.
In my latest effort, I used two subforms in a form. In subform 1, I used VB
A to load and display a table with a list of tables. The display incudes a
field where the user would put an “x†an then VBA would be used to make
another table that contained all the fields in the selected table. That part
seems to work. But then we go to subform 2 where the user would put an “x’
beside each field selected. This second step has problems because subform 2
locks out the source table and the user can’t put in an “Xâ€. It's because I
need to use the VBA to update the table used in subform 2 each time the user
in changes something in subform 1. If I change the subform from dynaset
connecton to snapshot, the user can’t enter an x.
So I’m looking for a workable solution. How can I build this series of two
pickers quickly and efficiently. Is there a Microsoft tool that does the
work of the pickers we see in the wizards? Is there a better way? I once
saw a picker with radio-buttons and check boxes in the table display. How
might I do that here? All suggestions are welcome.
Thank you.
I’ve been working on this problem for a long time and, so far, each solution
runs into a roadblock that stops everything. I would appreciate any
suggestions. I’m trying to build a form that allows the user to pick a
table (in this mdb file) , and within that table, select several fields. It
could look something like those Microsoft wizards where there is a list box
on the left, and the user uses pointer controls identified with “>†and “<â€
to move variables from the box on the left to the box on the right. It could
also be something very different.
In my latest effort, I used two subforms in a form. In subform 1, I used VB
A to load and display a table with a list of tables. The display incudes a
field where the user would put an “x†an then VBA would be used to make
another table that contained all the fields in the selected table. That part
seems to work. But then we go to subform 2 where the user would put an “x’
beside each field selected. This second step has problems because subform 2
locks out the source table and the user can’t put in an “Xâ€. It's because I
need to use the VBA to update the table used in subform 2 each time the user
in changes something in subform 1. If I change the subform from dynaset
connecton to snapshot, the user can’t enter an x.
So I’m looking for a workable solution. How can I build this series of two
pickers quickly and efficiently. Is there a Microsoft tool that does the
work of the pickers we see in the wizards? Is there a better way? I once
saw a picker with radio-buttons and check boxes in the table display. How
might I do that here? All suggestions are welcome.
Thank you.