Problem compiling remote web in VS2005



Hi peeps

I've just moved my dev system to Win2k3 / VS2005 (from Win2k/VS2k3) and I'm
having a problem.

I've setup a new website in IIS, enabled .net, fpse, etc.

From VS2005, if I choose Open Website, I can type in the location of my
server by entering That works fine, and VS loads the

However, I can't seem to compile it. When I hit build it asks me to save the
solution. I choose c:\ program files\visual
studio\projects\\myproject and it accepts it and carries on.
( is a directory already created by VS2005 for me).

Then when it starts to compile, I get an error telling me that "
is not a valid virtual folder" or something.

Any ideas what's going on!?




You are making the assumption that VS.NET 2005 can compile a solution on a
remote webserver, which is highly unlikely that it could do.

You should be thinking about building locally and then using the Publish
option to deploy the solution to the target machine.


HUH ????
You are making the assumption that VS.NET 2005 can compile a solution on a
remote webserver, which is highly unlikely that it could do.

I do not else on daily bases with VS.Net 2003 and VS.Net 2005

I develop from home on a staging server in the datacenter of my company
wich is accessible by the web through frontpage server extensions , also
here at home i have a small network with a windows 2000 server with IIS and
frontpage extensions installed and i can just as easily connect to this
computer create a new project and develop and compile on it from my laptop
in the living room

did i do something special to get this working ?? NO this is out of the box
working ...

install IIS on a server , install the newest version of frontpage server
,make sure you have a account with at least author rights on the server

now connect with your Visual studio IDE to the servers virtual dir ( web
adress or IP ) ,, file , Open , web site , choose remote website , enter
the http:\\ adress ( name or IP )
you will see a login box enter the login credentials , after selecting the
project file you need to login again for the frontapge part , and ready you

the same flow can be followed for creating a new website

file , new , web site etc etc etc


Michel Posseth [MCP]


Well, i fixed it. Sort of...

A trawl on the web indicates that VS doesn't seem to like using remote webs
that ARENT on port 80 (the default port). So I changed my web to use Port 80,
and it works.

The problem now being that I have multiple webs, and I can only access port
80. Apparently it will work with host headers though...

Thanks for all your help guys



Host headers will just work fine , IIS has perfect support for that ( i
use them also a lot to save me some IP`s )

for testing purposes you can just change the local hosts file on your system
( just a text file that you may edit with notepad )


Michel Posseth [MCP]

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