I have a training database in which I have tables including a bookings table
(details of a employee being booked on a course) and employee info
table(which includes the employee name, post title etc). When a booking is
made, the administrator selects the employees name from a dropdown list based
on the employeeinfo table. If however, that person pulls out of the training
and the administrator deletes the booking on the form, the persons record is
deleted from the employeeinfo table - not good. Any other bookings for that
person are still in the bookings table, but as far as the administrator is
concerned, the person no longer exists in the database as they are deleted
from the employeeinfo table.
the code behind the bookings form is
SELECT bookings.[event ID], bookings.[booking ID], bookings.employeeID,
employeeinfo.surname, employeeinfo.forename, employeeinfo.[post/role],
employeeinfo.Project, bookings.[booking taken], bookings.[confirmed date],
bookings.confirmed, bookings.status, bookings.explain, bookings.[cert
issued], bookings.datemodified, bookings.datecreated, employeeinfo.[support
FROM employeeinfo INNER JOIN bookings ON employeeinfo.[employee ID] =
ORDER BY bookings.[booking taken];
I have checked the relationship between the tables and they do not have
cascade delete related records switched on.
How can I stop delete bookings in the form without deleting the person?
(details of a employee being booked on a course) and employee info
table(which includes the employee name, post title etc). When a booking is
made, the administrator selects the employees name from a dropdown list based
on the employeeinfo table. If however, that person pulls out of the training
and the administrator deletes the booking on the form, the persons record is
deleted from the employeeinfo table - not good. Any other bookings for that
person are still in the bookings table, but as far as the administrator is
concerned, the person no longer exists in the database as they are deleted
from the employeeinfo table.
the code behind the bookings form is
SELECT bookings.[event ID], bookings.[booking ID], bookings.employeeID,
employeeinfo.surname, employeeinfo.forename, employeeinfo.[post/role],
employeeinfo.Project, bookings.[booking taken], bookings.[confirmed date],
bookings.confirmed, bookings.status, bookings.explain, bookings.[cert
issued], bookings.datemodified, bookings.datecreated, employeeinfo.[support
FROM employeeinfo INNER JOIN bookings ON employeeinfo.[employee ID] =
ORDER BY bookings.[booking taken];
I have checked the relationship between the tables and they do not have
cascade delete related records switched on.
How can I stop delete bookings in the form without deleting the person?