problem burning CDs..



ok, am home now.. tried again..

I put blank CD in second drive (other drive has CD I want to burn

it prompts me to format, I format.. when it's done it says "drag
files to this drive" or something like that.. when I do so I get
error, that there's not enough room in CD.... exact same thing that
heppened last night.. and yes, blank CD IS a brand-new, blank CD...
(a different one from the one I tried last night, and exactly the same
thing happens..)

do I need to purchase Roxio (which costs about $100) or is there a
way to burn CDs on Vista w/o it??
(Vista Ultimate...)

thank you very much....


Jon said:
I would suspect that the 2 CDs vary in their capacity eg one 700MB and the
other 650MB etc.

you don't format CD-r cd's
This is a stupid option in vista because it should know you don't need to
format a cd-r you only format cd-rw CD

just cancel out or select the other option and then just select the files
you want to burn and send to CD.

Paul Randall

Hopefully some expert will have a better comment. This is mostly an
educated guess.

I think that Vista's CD creation software is significantly different from
You have a choice of two formats: Live File System, and Mastered Format. It
defaults to live file system and the option for mastered format is not very
I'm not sure, but I think that the live file system is something like a
floppy disk - you have to format it before you can use it, and after that
you can write files, and possibly even delete and rewrite them. Of course,
this kind of formatting on a CD takes a lot of space, like 5% or more, so it
may not hold all the stuff from another CD. And it takes a lot of time.
But it may be time efficient if you are just transferring files between
Vista systems. Non-vista systems cannot read this format. Mastered format,
I think, is what you want. I haven't tried it yet, but I think it quickly
writes the stuff to the CD similar to WXP's data disc creation.

Search for 'burn a cd' in help and support.

-Paul Randall

Ian Betts

Paul Randall said:
Hopefully some expert will have a better comment. This is mostly an
educated guess.

I think that Vista's CD creation software is significantly different from
You have a choice of two formats: Live File System, and Mastered Format.
It defaults to live file system and the option for mastered format is not
very obvious.
I'm not sure, but I think that the live file system is something like a
floppy disk - you have to format it before you can use it, and after that
you can write files, and possibly even delete and rewrite them. Of
course, this kind of formatting on a CD takes a lot of space, like 5% or
more, so it may not hold all the stuff from another CD. And it takes a
lot of time. But it may be time efficient if you are just transferring
files between Vista systems. Non-vista systems cannot read this format.
Mastered format, I think, is what you want. I haven't tried it yet, but I
think it quickly writes the stuff to the CD similar to WXP's data disc

Search for 'burn a cd' in help and support.

-Paul Randall

Paul you are right here.

When you ask Vista to use a CD write drive it open a dialog that invites you
to use Either the Live File System or the Mastered. Below this is a help
link to advise you on which to chose. Click and read it because it clarly
explains and shows that Vista will burn to media if you out in the Correct
CD type.

Bob Eyster

I would guess the the CD-r in not large enough to hold the .mrm file. Try
burning it to a DVD


Jon said:
I would suspect that the 2 CDs vary in their capacity eg one 700MB and
the other 650MB etc.
well, it looks like that, but in fact content I want to copy is about
650MB, CD has a capacity of 705... still don't get why Vista asks you
to format a CD before you burn it.. why do these guys always have to
complicate things? any Windows XP machine I have been on has Roxio
installed and burning CDs with that thing is a breeze..

thank you for your response..


Bob said:
I would guess the the CD-r in not large enough to hold the .mrm file.
Try burning it to a DVD

yes, I tried that last night.. inserted a DVD, was prompted to format
it, but as soon as it starts formatting it says, time left: 57 min!!!!

this is simply crazy...

thank you...

Paul Randall

If it works like third party software I've used in the past, it isn't so
bad. Formatting the CD-R allowed it to be used like a 'write once' floppy.
You could drag files to it and they would be written. You could also delete
files, but their space would be lost forever. The CD could only be read on
other systems with the same software, but could be closed/finalized so any
system could read the files. At the time it was a handy feature because
CW-RWs were much more expensive and slower, typically 1X or 4X.

The url for the details of how Vista's built-in CD writing works might be

-Paul Randall



well if that's the way it is suppose to work then it is another Vista bug
because all it will do it what the op posted. I tried many times with the
same result as the OP. Once it is formatted it acts like a full and closed CD.

If he stops formatting it I guarantee he will have better luck.
But I don't know what type of CD he is trying to copy so who knows.


What you are trying or wanting to do is copy from CD to another. Without
some good burn software I do not think this is possible. Personally I use
Roxio Suite 8 and so far it has performed like a champ.

What date have you set you pc to?

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