Here's the problem. I've designed a database that has a data entry form with
a subform on it. On this database you would of course choose records to
update through a combo box. The problem my manager and I have with this is
that if you choose a new record from the combo box and then move your finger
on the scroll mouse you'll wind up scrolling through a bunch of other records
and off of the record that you want.
I guess what I'm asking is if there is any way to prevent the scroll mouse
from working on my database or a way to mitigate this problem.
a subform on it. On this database you would of course choose records to
update through a combo box. The problem my manager and I have with this is
that if you choose a new record from the combo box and then move your finger
on the scroll mouse you'll wind up scrolling through a bunch of other records
and off of the record that you want.
I guess what I'm asking is if there is any way to prevent the scroll mouse
from working on my database or a way to mitigate this problem.