Steve Courtney
I am writing a book and every few months I back up all my
notes,research, correspondence etc. onto floppy disks.
Last October this meant filling six disks with the stuff--
files, folders, subfolders. I do this by right-clicking on
the master folder that holds everything, going to "Send
to" and clicking "3 1/2 -inch floppy disk."
In the past, the stuff clicked along quite nicely into the
disk, then when it was full, let me know and I'd change
disks and continue until done.
I'm doing this again, but instead of going smoothly the
process stops every once in a while and says it can't copy
a file because it's write-protected or open (which it's
not). When I hit this roadblock, there seems to be nothing
to do but go back and start again. The second time, it
might happily copy the file that stopped it before, but
stop again later -- or it might not get that far, running
up against another file that it erroneously says is write-
protected or open.
What's the problem? How do I fix it?
Thanks in advance,
Steve Courtney
notes,research, correspondence etc. onto floppy disks.
Last October this meant filling six disks with the stuff--
files, folders, subfolders. I do this by right-clicking on
the master folder that holds everything, going to "Send
to" and clicking "3 1/2 -inch floppy disk."
In the past, the stuff clicked along quite nicely into the
disk, then when it was full, let me know and I'd change
disks and continue until done.
I'm doing this again, but instead of going smoothly the
process stops every once in a while and says it can't copy
a file because it's write-protected or open (which it's
not). When I hit this roadblock, there seems to be nothing
to do but go back and start again. The second time, it
might happily copy the file that stopped it before, but
stop again later -- or it might not get that far, running
up against another file that it erroneously says is write-
protected or open.
What's the problem? How do I fix it?
Thanks in advance,
Steve Courtney