Problem after update from Framework1.0 to 1.1

  • Thread starter Thread starter Viktor Elvar
  • Start date Start date

Viktor Elvar

Hi there!

After I installed Visual studio 2003 and Framework 1.1. on my Computer
and reverted my Project to VS 2003 I get this Error:

Invalid file name for monitoring: 'c:\inetpub\wwwroot\VR\http:'. File
names for monitoring must have absolute paths, and no wildcards.

I've debugged it and the Error is when I'm trying to read from
Web.Config file like this:

_args.AdditionalInfo =

The strange thing is that when the aspx page loads then I'm also
reading from this same Web.config file this same AppSettings, and that
does not return an error!!

Can anyone help me, please! I can not revert to Framework 1.0 because
of another project that depends on it!!

Try running aspnet_regiis - i from the VS.NET command prompt.

Looks like configuration problems while debugging the same code.

aspnet_regiis usually solves most of the problems with respect to ASP.NET
when you migrate you .NET version from 1.0 to 1.1.

Hi there Parag, thanks for your reply.

I've already tryed to run aspnet_regiis -i but that does'nt seem to
resolve the problem!!

best regards Viktor Elvar
Hi there. Could someone please help me!!!? This error occurs when
I´m reading the web.config file, but only when the key is like this:

<add key="MemberFees" value="Félagsmaður" />

I'm reading keys like this, and no error:

<add key="Specialist" value="2" />
<add key="FrontDesk" value="3" />
<add key="Admin" value="4" />

so this is ok:

Int32.Parse( System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["Specialist"]

but the error comes here:

_args.AdditionalInfo =

Invalid file name for monitoring: 'c:\inetpub\wwwroot\App\http:'. File
names for monitoring must have absolute paths, and no wildcards.

Please helpe I´m in deep sh!* here!!