Problem accessing other users mailbox folders

  • Thread starter Thread starter Dan DeCoursey
  • Start date Start date

Dan DeCoursey

Exhange 2003
Clinet= XP woth Office XP

We have been setting up usersto beable to manage others mailbox;s for soe
time now but there are times when the person that nees to open this newly
added folder(using the FLODER LIST view) they will get

"Unable to display the folder.Microsoft Outlook could not access the
specified folder location. The operation failed"

The CAN go to the File menu and use the "open other folder" fom there and
that DOES work

apperciate any feedback
Have you moved the mailbox lately or something like a rebuilt
active directory account?

I ask because this can effect the links that were originally set up.
You would need to "refresh" them (by removing and adding them

Nikki Peterson
YEs we have done a lot of stuff.....
The exchange server is a member of a separate domain...we used to have to
create all our user accounts in their AD also ...I know, alot of redundant
crap.....but this permitted us to access and use their exchange server just

other issues made us go the route of estabilishing an external 2 way trust
between the 2 domains ..... right away none of my users could acces their

so we disabled their AD accounts in the exchange server domain..then using "
exchange tasks" (right clik the disabled user account) we would do a
"associate with external account"? and then selected our doamin and and
then put the user name in and do a "check names" and this all then
permitted the user to get into their mails boxes again....... but the above
problame surfaced that is they were managing or accessing other
mailboxes..thier folder icon in FOLDER list was non functional but the
:open other mailbox" form the file menu does work

removing their echange server account in the local outlook andthen re
establiching it again ...that did not work...........
then only thing so far that does work is going to the maibox owners AD
account over in the other domain and selecting advanced exchange tab and
then giving FULL MAILBOX ACCESS any other permission (such as read
only) will not work

the problem now is that they indeed have full access and the original
permissions that may have been established before all this ( such as only
seeing and accesing the calendar) do not work whuile these
secretaries are happy to be back to work ther mailbox owner is mad due
becasue the folks asgin permissions to manage their mailboxx have too much
access now

complicated stuff......
Gosh! Right off the top of my head I'm thinking you have a GC issue.
However, I think you would get MUCH better advice from the
Exchange list.

Please post a message, with ALL the information that you have
provided here along with the Service Pack level you are up to
for the Exchange Server, into the
