problem accessing attachments

  • Thread starter Thread starter brenda
  • Start date Start date


How can I restore the access to an attachment file that
has been marked as an unsafe file? If I highlight the e-
mail containing the attachment and then I click forward
the next window shows the attachment as being clear and I
am able to open it. Is there a an option where I can
unblock this command. This is happpening to all my e-mails
that contain attachments, even to ones that I was able to
open before.

Sounds like you're using Outlook Express - and actually, what you're doing
is one of the best methods. That said, you can change the secutrity options
in tools | options | security.

Also -
This is a group to support Outlook from the Office group of programs.
Outlook Express is a part of Internet Explorer and is a quite different
program, despite its similar name..

You will probably get a faster and more expert answer if you post this to an
Outlook Express news group.

Try posting in one of these newsgroups: for OE 5.x for OE 5.5x for OE 6.x
microsoft.public.internet.outlookexpress.mac for OE for Macintosh

If those groups aren't carried on the news server that's carrying this group
try using (MS's public news server that's the source
for all the microsoft.public newsgroups).

A good website for information on OE is: