Probably stupid question to some but...



This is probably a stupid question but I cannot find out how to do it. When
I click on Start, All Programs, a list of all installed programs appears in
4 sections and the 4th section goes off my screen (I have a lot installed
and I don't want to go out and buy a bigger monitor either!) My question
is, I want to make the programs scroll downwards - how do I do this?
Please, help someone !!


In Susie <[email protected]> had this to say:

My reply is at the bottom of your sent message:
This is probably a stupid question but I cannot find out how to do
it. When I click on Start, All Programs, a list of all installed
programs appears in 4 sections and the 4th section goes off my screen
(I have a lot installed and I don't want to go out and buy a bigger
monitor either!) My question is, I want to make the programs scroll
downwards - how do I do this? Please, help someone !!

Right click on the start button, click properties, click customize, in the
bottom pane scroll down and put a tick in the box saying "scroll programs."
Another thing that I do is I take the time to make folders in the start menu
and drag shortcuts there. As I'm the only user on the PC that means I can do
so. If there's more than one user on your computer you might want to do it
in the "all users" folder instead.


"But there are always some lunatics about. It would be a dull world
without them."

Sherlock Holmes

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