Probably a stupid question



I am having a problem with IE. It began when I had Winamp open, and my list
of music would not show, so I tried various hotkeys to try to reload the
list. Once I rebooted, many of my default fonts in IE became italic.

Pages like, my login for Microsoft.NET, text when I compose
mail in Outlook Express, and even my Buddy List in AIM, are all Italic now.
I've checked every setting I can think of, and I can't find an option to turn
it back.

Nothing is damaged in functionality. I am using Windows 2000 Professional.
Any ideas?

I appreciate any help, this is just annoying me to no end.


Jeff you may want to visit and get
"MicrosoftAntiSpywareInstall.exe" this is Spyware Adware removal tool. 7MB
on dialup connection.

AFTER running this you will need to right click the desktop then properties,
to change the italics font back to what you had.

Jan Il

Hi Jeff :)

It is possible that your default font was somwow corrupted. Try
uninstalling it and reinstalling it.


Courtesy of Courtesy of Malke
MS MVP - Windows Shell/User

Fix Constant Italics/Font Problem -

When a rogue program decides to install its own version of system fonts, it
may replace the original
version of the font file with a shortcut in the font folder. Once this
program is uninstalled, the shortcut may now point to a font file that no
longer exists. Windows XP in turn reacts by turning all unspecified
fonts into italics upon next reboot.The simple way to fix this is to delete
all shortcuts in the font folder and replace them with the actual font file.
By going to
you can also double check the path of each font and look for any suspicious

You don't want to delete the key. What you want is to make sure that all the
fonts in the Fonts Folder are really there and not shortcuts. So you want to
look in the right-side panel and be sure that the fonts
shown have the correct path and nothing weird. For instance, you want to be
sure that the fonts shown are really where Windows thinks they are.

also check:

Tools>Internet Options>General tab>Accessibility button
Any options selected there? By default they should all be unchecked.

Hope this helps

Jan :)
Smiles are meant to be shared,
that's why they're so contagious.

Replies are posted only to the newsgroup for the benefit or other readers.
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I'm fairly certain that the problem is not spyware based, I run checks fairly
often. I'll check the registry key as soon as I get home, and let you know
how it works. Thanks a bunch, it's really appreciated.


These solutions didn't fix the problem. I'm still stumped. I can post my
registry font information if that helps.


Jeff said:
These solutions didn't fix the problem. I'm still stumped. I can post my
registry font information if that helps

PLEASE QUOTE the post you are replying to. I don't want to have to go back
through read posts to find out what the hell you are talking about.
Interim Systems and Management Accounting
Gordon Burgess-Parker

Jan Il

Hi Jeff :)
These solutions didn't fix the problem. I'm still stumped. I can post my
registry font information if that helps.

Ok...then perhaps the damage is beyond any minor repair. What you might do
at this point is a repair of your OS. This should return your system to
full default condition if there is no scumware involved. Here's the repair
instructions for your Windows 2000 if you don't already have them. Follow
all instructions carefully. See if this will resolve the problem.

How To Repair Windows 2000

Windows 2000 step by step repair instructions:

How to perform an "in place upgrade" or system repair.

How to perform an in place upgrade or 2000 system repair.

Difference between Manual and Fast repair

You only need to uninstall those Service Packs that were installed *after*
installing IE6. You will have to go to the Windows Update and reinstall all
the necessary updates after the reinstall.

Hope this helps

Jan :)
Smiles are meant to be shared,
that's why they're so contagious.

Replies are posted only to the newsgroup for the benefit or other readers.
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Jan Il

Gordon said:
PLEASE QUOTE the post you are replying to. I don't want to have to go back
through read posts to find out what the hell you are talking about.

He's replying to *this* post. :)

Jan :)
Smiles are meant to be shared,
that's why they're so contagious.


Jan Il wrote:
|| ||| |||| These solutions didn't fix the problem. I'm still stumped. I can
|||| post my
|||| registry font information if that helps
||| PLEASE QUOTE the post you are replying to. I don't want to have to
||| go back through read posts to find out what the hell you are
||| talking about.
|| He's replying to *this* post. :)

What post? The one he didn't quote? How do I know what "this" post is?

Jan Il

Hi Gordon :)

Gordon said:
Jan Il wrote:
|| ||| |||| These solutions didn't fix the problem. I'm still stumped. I can
|||| post my
|||| registry font information if that helps
||| PLEASE QUOTE the post you are replying to. I don't want to have to
||| go back through read posts to find out what the hell you are
||| talking about.
|| He's replying to *this* post. :)

What post? The one he didn't quote? How do I know what "this" post is?
Jeff is the OP of this post (thread), to which you are also currently
replying. I am assuming that his reply under his own post was meant for
both SamplesHere and I, that the information we each posted did not help,
and not relating to a separate thread. :)

Jan :)
Smiles are meant to be shared,
that's why they're so contagious


Jan Il wrote:
|| Hi Gordon :)
|| ||| Jan Il wrote:
||||| |||||| ||||||| These solutions didn't fix the problem. I'm still stumped. I
||||||| can post my
||||||| registry font information if that helps
|||||| PLEASE QUOTE the post you are replying to. I don't want to have
|||||| to go back through read posts to find out what the hell you are
|||||| talking about.
||||| He's replying to *this* post. :)
||| What post? The one he didn't quote? How do I know what "this" post
||| is?
|| Jeff is the OP of this post (thread), to which you are also currently
|| replying. I am assuming that his reply under his own post was
|| meant for both SamplesHere and I, that the information we each
|| posted did not help, and not relating to a separate thread. :)

I realise that. My point was, that I don't want to have to wade through all
my read posts just to see what he was talking about because he couldn't be
bothered to use Usenet protocol and quote the post he was replying to!

Jan Il

Hi Gordon :)
Jan Il wrote:
|| Hi Gordon :)
|| ||| Jan Il wrote:
||||| |||||| ||||||| These solutions didn't fix the problem. I'm still stumped. I
||||||| can post my
||||||| registry font information if that helps
|||||| PLEASE QUOTE the post you are replying to. I don't want to have
|||||| to go back through read posts to find out what the hell you are
|||||| talking about.
||||| He's replying to *this* post. :)
||| What post? The one he didn't quote? How do I know what "this" post
||| is?
|| Jeff is the OP of this post (thread), to which you are also currently
|| replying. I am assuming that his reply under his own post was
|| meant for both SamplesHere and I, that the information we each
|| posted did not help, and not relating to a separate thread. :)

I realise that. My point was, that I don't want to have to wade through
all my read posts just to see what he was talking about because he
couldn't be bothered to use Usenet protocol and quote the post he was
replying to!

I'm really sorry...but, I am a bit confused by your reply. Can you not see
the previous posts above this one in this same thread where Jeff, the OP,
SamplesHere and myself have been conversing, as well as your own replies? If
you are replying to my responses to you, can you not see the others? I'm
not trying to be snide, it is an honest question, as I know sometimes posts
get jambled up. The post he is referring to, and that I am referring to, is
dated as of yesterday, Wednesday, March 02, 2005 1:55 PM. As far as I know,
it is the only thread we have been working in. No...if you are referring to
*whom*, or which reply he was answering, as I said, I assume his response
was aimed at both SamplesHere and myself. If not, then I guess we will have
to wait for Jeff to clarify that answer. This being the Microsoft
newsgroups, I'm sure you've noticed that Usenet protocol is not always
strictly adhered to. ;-)

Jan :)
Smiles are meant to be shared,
that's why they're so contagious.

Replies are posted only to the newsgroup for the benefit or other readers.
How to make a good newsgroup post:


Jan Il wrote:
|| Hi Gordon :)
||| Jan Il wrote:
||||| Hi Gordon :)
||||| |||||| Jan Il wrote:
|||||||| ||||||||| |||||||||| These solutions didn't fix the problem. I'm still stumped.
|||||||||| I can post my
|||||||||| registry font information if that helps
||||||||| PLEASE QUOTE the post you are replying to. I don't want to
||||||||| have to go back through read posts to find out what the hell
||||||||| you are talking about.
|||||||| He's replying to *this* post. :)
|||||| What post? The one he didn't quote? How do I know what "this"
|||||| post is?
||||| Jeff is the OP of this post (thread), to which you are also
||||| currently replying. I am assuming that his reply under his own
||||| post was meant for both SamplesHere and I, that the information
||||| we each posted did not help, and not relating to a separate
||||| thread. :)
||| I realise that. My point was, that I don't want to have to wade
||| through all my read posts just to see what he was talking about
||| because he couldn't be bothered to use Usenet protocol and quote
||| the post he was replying to!
|| I'm really sorry...but, I am a bit confused by your reply. Can you
|| not see the previous posts above this one in this same thread

Um no, because in large groups I view UNREAD posts only, and a lot of people
do that. (Unless I'm looking at posts I've replied to.......)

Jan Il

Hi Gordon :)
Jan Il wrote:
|| Hi Gordon :)
||| Jan Il wrote:
||||| Hi Gordon :)
||||| |||||| Jan Il wrote:
|||||||| ||||||||| |||||||||| These solutions didn't fix the problem. I'm still stumped.
|||||||||| I can post my
|||||||||| registry font information if that helps
||||||||| PLEASE QUOTE the post you are replying to. I don't want to
||||||||| have to go back through read posts to find out what the hell
||||||||| you are talking about.
|||||||| He's replying to *this* post. :)
|||||| What post? The one he didn't quote? How do I know what "this"
|||||| post is?
||||| Jeff is the OP of this post (thread), to which you are also
||||| currently replying. I am assuming that his reply under his own
||||| post was meant for both SamplesHere and I, that the information
||||| we each posted did not help, and not relating to a separate
||||| thread. :)
||| I realise that. My point was, that I don't want to have to wade
||| through all my read posts just to see what he was talking about
||| because he couldn't be bothered to use Usenet protocol and quote
||| the post he was replying to!
|| I'm really sorry...but, I am a bit confused by your reply. Can you
|| not see the previous posts above this one in this same thread

Um no, because in large groups I view UNREAD posts only, and a lot of
people do that. (Unless I'm looking at posts I've replied to.......)

Well...yes....I know of some people who use this method, can't keep up with
the rest of the flow if other posters snip their responses, which is what
most groups encourage, or demand, due to those who still have dial-up and/or
have to pay by the minute for Internet access. As it appears to involve
your newsreader or setup, I am afraid I can't do anything to help in that
regard. However, if it will make it easier for you to understand by seeing
what Jeff was referring to, I can post the information that both SamplesHere
and I posted for him, the ones that didn't work. :)

Jeff you may want to visit and get
"MicrosoftAntiSpywareInstall.exe" this is Spyware Adware removal tool. 7MB
on dialup connection.

AFTER running this you will need to right click the desktop then properties,
to change the italics font back to what you had.
And my post:

Hi Jeff :)

It is possible that your default font was somwow corrupted. Try
uninstalling it and reinstalling it.


Courtesy of Courtesy of Malke
MS MVP - Windows Shell/User

Fix Constant Italics/Font Problem -

When a rogue program decides to install its own version of system fonts, it
may replace the original
version of the font file with a shortcut in the font folder. Once this
program is uninstalled, the shortcut may now point to a font file that no
longer exists. Windows XP in turn reacts by turning all unspecified
fonts into italics upon next reboot.The simple way to fix this is to delete
all shortcuts in the font folder and replace them with the actual font file.
By going to
you can also double check the path of each font and look for any suspicious

You don't want to delete the key. What you want is to make sure that all the
fonts in the Fonts Folder are really there and not shortcuts. So you want to
look in the right-side panel and be sure that the fonts
shown have the correct path and nothing weird. For instance, you want to be
sure that the fonts shown are really where Windows thinks they are.

also check:

Tools>Internet Options>General tab>Accessibility button
Any options selected there? By default they should all be unchecked.

Hope this helps

Jan :)
Smiles are meant to be shared,
that's why they're so contagious.

Replies are posted only to the newsgroup for the benefit or other readers.
How to make a good newsgroup post:
Hopefully, this will help bring a bit of light to the subject. I'm afraid
it is the best I can do. :)

Jan :)
Smiles are meant to be shared,
that's why they're so contagious.

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