Hi Paul,
Its true that i'm connecting to the server on my local machine.
But thats only time being. Later i need to connect to the main server
which is a remote machine. So i need a method which can return the
correct ip, given the machine name even for the first time.
Dns.Resolve() and Dns.GetHostByName(), both does'nt work. The problem
is both the methods return some vague ip like which is not
definitely the ip of my PC or PPC. Heres the code.
private void button2_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
_socClient = new
,ProtocolType.Tcp );
/// Get the remote IP address of the machine with the given server
// IPHostEntry add=Dns.Resolve("pocketpcpp");
IPHostEntry add = Dns.GetHostByName("localhost");
/// Retreive the first ip from the list of ips, of the given host
IPAddress ip=add.AddressList[0];
int iPortNo = 666;
/// Create the end point (represents the network endpoint of
/// a given ip and port)
IPEndPoint ipEnd = new IPEndPoint (ip,iPortNo);
/// Connect to the remote host...
_socClient.Connect(ipEnd );
/// Set the connection flag to true
// _isConnected = true;
MessageBox.Show(" Connected");
/// Set the connection flag to false
// _isConnected = false;
MessageBox.Show("Not Connected");
But plz mind, this happens only the first time, the button is clicked.
So it displays "Not Connected". But from the second click on the button
its returning the ip of my pc. So its working, dispalying "Connected".
But why does it not succeed the first time? Whats the prob. Plz suggest
the right solution. And remember i can't hardcode the ip, because the
server can be any machine on which the server application is
running.Thanks a lot.
- Hari
I'm confused. You want the IP of the local host. Why not call
Dns.GetHostName(), then pass that to GetHostByName() to get the IP
For that matter, I think that GetHostByName( "localhost" ) should work.
you need is an IP address that will allow connection back to the local
you really shouldn't care which IP it is, as long as it works.
Paul T.
Hari said:
Hi Simon,
Thanks a lot and sorry for the delayed response. I'm using
VS2003, which should have CF1.0 version. I tried with the code that
you've sent, but Dns is not showing the method "GetHostEntry()". I
think the code that you've given is one which works on VS2005,CF2.0. I
can't use the same code with CF1.0. Please suggest an appropriate
solution for 1.0.
Thank You,
Hari Priya
Simon Hart wrote:
Dns.Resolve is obsolete. You didn't say what ver of CF you are using.
But have you tried:
string host = Dns.GetHostName();
IPHostEntry ipHost = Dns.GetHostEntry(host);
string myIP = ipHost.AddressList[0].ToString();
I've a strange problem with the Dns.Resolve() method. My app
actually needs to use socket connection to connect to a remote
Right now the server app is running on my local machine. So my app
needs to connect to the local server. For this, i use Dns.Resolve()
passing my pc name as the argument. Heres the code
IPHostEntry add=Dns.Resolve("pocketpcpp");
IPAddress ip=add.AddressList[0];
And the problem is the ip is assigned some wrong IP for the first
Later on its assigned the right IP. What could be the problem? The
that is returned for the first time is some thing vague, like
"". Where am i getting this IP from? And its not the IP
the emulator. However the name of the emulator is different from
of my system name. I invite any sort of suggestions.
- Hari