Prob????????? Select Query



Hi everybody,
Please help me for the following

SELECT Applicant.[Applicant ID], Applicant.Session, Letters.Letter,
Letters.[Letter No], Letters.[Letter Dt], *
FROM Applicant INNER JOIN Letters ON Applicant.[Applicant ID] =
Letters.[Applicant ID]
WHERE (((Letters.[Letter Dt])=#12/15/2003#));

the above is the sample. Actual problem is when select few fields '*' at the
end of the selected fields is automatically adding and display all field of
the field. What the prob. please help me.


Allen Browne

What did you expect * to do, Krish?

Did you intend:
or perhaps:
or did you want to just use the * without any field names so they are not

Tom Ellison

Dear Krish:

The * is supposed to display all columns. If you don't want to display all
the columns here, don't put the * in there. You should decide between
displaying all columns in the order they appear in the tables, and
displaying selected columns in a selected sequence.

For my purposes, I use * to display all the columns while I am developing a
query. I add the desired columns, leaving the * in the query so I can see
all the selections and choose any I still need. Then I omit the *.

For the most part, finished queries should probably rarely still have the *
in them. That's just a matter of my own personal preference and style.

Tom Ellison

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