John Gregory
While listening to an online presentation that included charts, I attempted
to print-to-file a specific chart. I deleted the "*" that preceded the
".prn" extension and gave it a name. Then I tried to print the file to make
sure all went well. It didn't.
I got a message stating WINDOWS XP didn't recognize the program that the
file was related to. It directed me to an on-line site to find the program
but the site wasn't available for service until the 9th.
Q1) What program should be assigned to a "*.prn" file?
Q2) Why couldn't WINDOWS XP find something (WORD?) to print this file?
to print-to-file a specific chart. I deleted the "*" that preceded the
".prn" extension and gave it a name. Then I tried to print the file to make
sure all went well. It didn't.
I got a message stating WINDOWS XP didn't recognize the program that the
file was related to. It directed me to an on-line site to find the program
but the site wasn't available for service until the 9th.
Q1) What program should be assigned to a "*.prn" file?
Q2) Why couldn't WINDOWS XP find something (WORD?) to print this file?