I have the following
Public Blah As String
I then run Sub dia()
which as part of it's code runs private sub second()
Part of the code of private sub second() is
For i = 2 To FinalColumn
Blah = Left(ActiveCell, WorksheetFunction.Find(" ", ActiveCell) - 1)
etc etc
when the code gets to the above line I get a run-time error 13, type mismatch
If sub second() is not private, I don't get this error.
Can someone please advise how to rectify this issue
I have the following
Public Blah As String
I then run Sub dia()
which as part of it's code runs private sub second()
Part of the code of private sub second() is
For i = 2 To FinalColumn
Blah = Left(ActiveCell, WorksheetFunction.Find(" ", ActiveCell) - 1)
etc etc
when the code gets to the above line I get a run-time error 13, type mismatch
If sub second() is not private, I don't get this error.
Can someone please advise how to rectify this issue