Private Class Variables Visible in Object Explorer

  • Thread starter Thread starter David Blewett
  • Start date Start date

David Blewett

Hi all, long-time lurker first-time poster. I've recently started
learning about classes in VBA. One thing that I don't understand is
why my class' private variables are visible in Object Explorer, or in
Locals when running a procedure. Isn't the point of an object to hide
these things from a developer? Here are my class definitions, maybe
I'm declaring things wrong. All 3 objects' module level private
variables used to store the actual data are visible.

David Blewett

Top-Level Container:
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Private Const cBUPath As String = "C:\Documents and
Settings\xdeb133\My Documents\BU\"
Private dteSetID As Date
Private strDestPath As String
Private fles As FraudDetection_fe.Files

Private Sub Class_Initialize()
Set fles = New FraudDetection_fe.Files
dteSetID = Now
strDestPath = cBUPath
End Sub

Public Property Get SetID() As Date
SetID = dteSetID
End Property

Public Property Let SetID(ByVal vNewValue As Date)
SetID = vNewValue
End Property

'Public Property Get File(Key As Variant) As FraudDetection_fe.File
'Set File = fles(Key)
'End Property

Public Function Add(Path As String, Name As String, Optional Checked
As Boolean = False) As FraudDetection_fe.File
Set Add = fles.Add(Path, Name, Checked)
End Function

Private Sub Class_Terminate()
Set fles = Nothing
End Sub

Public Function Delete(Key As String) As Boolean
fles.Delete Key
End Function

Public Property Get Files(Optional Key As Variant) As Object
If IsMissing(Key) = True Then
Set Files = fles
Set Files = fles(Key)
End If
End Property

Public Property Get Destination() As String
Destination = strDestPath
End Property

Public Property Let Destination(ByVal vNewValue As String)
strDestPath = vNewValue
End Property

Public Function Fill()
Dim rsFiles As DAO.Recordset
Dim strQuery As String

If OpenConn = True Then
strQuery = "qselFiles"
Set rsFiles = DB.OpenRecordset(strQuery, dbOpenSnapshot)
Do While rsFiles.EOF = False
Add rsFiles.Fields("Path").Value,
Set rsFiles = Nothing
End If

End Function

Files Collection:
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit

Private colFiles As Collection

Private Sub Class_Initialize()
Set colFiles = New Collection
End Sub

Public Property Get Count() As Variant
Count = colFiles.Count
End Property

Public Function Add(ByVal Path As String, ByVal Name As String, _
Optional ByVal Checked As Boolean) As
Dim fle As FraudDetection_fe.File
Dim strMsg As String, strKey As String

Set fle = New FraudDetection_fe.File
strKey = NewID
fle.FileID = strKey
fle.Path = Path
fle.Name = Name
fle.Checked = Checked
colFiles.Add fle, strKey
Set Add = fle
Set fle = Nothing

Exit Function

MsgBox strMsg
GoTo Exit_Add
End Function

Public Function Item(Key As Variant) As FraudDetection_fe.File
Set Item = colFiles(Key)
End Function

Private Sub Class_Terminate()
Set colFiles = Nothing
End Sub

Public Function Delete(Key As String) As Boolean

colFiles.Remove Key

End Function

Private Function NewID() As String
Static intFileNum As Integer

intFileNum = intFileNum + 1
NewID = "File" & Format(intFileNum, "0000000")
End Function

Public Property Get NewEnum() As IUnknown
Set NewEnum = colFiles.[_NewEnum]
End Property

File Object:
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit

Private strFileID As String
Private blnChecked As Boolean
Private strPath As String
Private strName As String
Private strDrive As String
Private strParentDir As String
Private blnExists As Boolean

Private Sub Class_Initialize()

Exit Sub

MsgBox "The Path must be an array."
GoTo Exit_Initialize
End Sub

Public Property Get FileID() As String
FileID = strFileID
End Property

Public Property Let FileID(ByVal vNewValue As String)
strFileID = vNewValue
End Property

Public Property Get Checked() As Boolean
Checked = blnChecked
End Property

Public Property Let Checked(ByVal vNewValue As Boolean)
blnChecked = vNewValue
End Property

Public Property Get Path() As String
Path = strPath
End Property

Public Property Let Path(ByVal vNewValue As String)
Dim strTemp() As String

strTemp = ParsePath(vNewValue)
strDrive = strTemp(0)
strParentDir = strTemp(UBound(strTemp))
strPath = vNewValue
End Property

Public Property Get Name() As String
Name = strName
End Property

Public Property Let Name(ByVal vNewValue As String)
strName = vNewValue
End Property

Public Property Get Drive() As String
Drive = strDrive
End Property

Public Property Let Drive(ByVal vNewValue As String)
strDrive = vNewValue
End Property

Public Property Get ParentDir() As String
ParentDir = strParentDir
End Property

Public Property Let ParentDir(ByVal vNewValue As String)
strParentDir = vNewValue
End Property

Private Function ParsePath(Path As String, Optional IncludeColon As
Boolean = False, Optional LastDirOnly As Boolean = False) As Variant
'Function returns a string array containing each directory in a given
Dim strDrive As String, strWorkingPath As String, strPath() As String
Dim intBuffer As Integer, intLoop As Integer

If Left(Path, 1) = "\" Then
If Right(Path, 1) = "\" Then
intBuffer = 1
intBuffer = 0
End If
'If ExplorerFormat = True Then
' strDrive = Left(Path, InStr(3, Path, "\") - 3)
' Else
strDrive = Mid(Path, 3, InStr(3, Path, "\") - 3)
'End If
strWorkingPath = Mid(Path, InStr(3, Path, "\") + 1, Len(Path)
- InStr(3, Path, "\") - intBuffer)
If Right(Path, 1) = "\" Then
intBuffer = 4
intBuffer = 3
End If
If IncludeColon = True Then
strDrive = Left(Path, 2)
strDrive = Left(Path, 1)
End If
strWorkingPath = Mid(Path, 4, Len(Path) - intBuffer)
End If
strPath = Split(strWorkingPath, "\")
ReDim Preserve strPath(UBound(strPath) + 1) As String
For intLoop = UBound(strPath) To 0 Step -1
If intLoop > 0 Then
strPath(intLoop) = strPath(intLoop - 1)
strPath(intLoop) = strDrive
End If
Next intLoop

If LastDirOnly = True Then
ParsePath = strPath(UBound(strPath))
ParsePath = strPath
End If

End Function
(e-mail address removed) (David Blewett) wrote in
One thing that I don't understand is
why my class' private variables are visible in Object Explorer, or in
Locals when running a procedure. Isn't the point of an object to hide
these things from a developer?

Ummm: yes. It's probably better to say they are protected from the
developer rather than hidden. You won't be able to access or read private
members (or call private methods), and in the object browser they are
clearly labelled with the appropriate Private Dim statement. You might also
notice that private members do not appear in the intellisense popup thingy.
On the other hand, since the class itself is in clear text there is no
reason not to access the source anyway.

I suppose it would be nice if the private stuff were hidden in the object
browser, but there are much more important things that are wrong with VBA

All the best

Tim F