Privacy Tab / Sites to Allow/Block not retaining sites



Having a problem with the privacy tab.

Under the Sites to allow or block list, I can enter a site and it drops down
to the managed sites list

Click OK, OK to close window

Open it again, and the sites have gone.

I do have Spybot S&D and Lavasoft Adware installed, are these the cause?
Even after uninstalling them the problem remains. Do they make permanent
changes somewhere?

The problem is also replicated in a clean Win 2k + Latest SP's install..also
Spybot and Adware.



PS, I have tried searches on the board here, but the search service always
seems busy!!



I am having exactly the same problem and have the same configuration on my
Gateway notebook (wXP SP2 IE6 all preinstalled). Gateway did not have an
answer and referred me to this site. This feature to block individual web
sites under the Privacy Tab has always worked on my older w98 PCs. I hope
someone has an answer !


SO you have spybot and lavasoft programs installed as well?

I may do another fresh install and see if that fixes it, but problem is,
this has only occured since the last clean instal!!


Yes; yet so many also have these programs installed that I'm surprised that
there aren't more with this problem. If spybot or adaware are responsible for
this issue, there must be something in the configuration. I have the spybot
immunize feature activated...time permitting I may uninstall this and start
fresh and see if this solves the problem.

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