No joke! Since the letest school shootings in Germany, the local
politicians have found the main scapegoat to deflect fromsocial
problems of this overaged society: Computer Games. The press even
createted herefore the neologism "Killerspiele" and started the biggst
baiting of the last decades (and in Germany this means something!).
Every day the agitation against games and gamers becomes more and more
ugly. Now politicians try to cap each other with suggestions which
become more and more bizarre and are only possible in the German
neophobic society.
The latest, and most bizarre till now, is to punish the creation,
distribution and even the use(!) of the so called "Killerspiele" (FPS)
with up to one year prison! And this is not the end of the game, since
German politicians press the EU more and more to match.
It is unnecessary to mention that this is an extreme cut in the freedom
of opinion, recreational time and hence human rights. Thousands of
games would be criminalized. Also the economic consequences should be
enormous, since computer and software creators could also face trials.
The situation is despetate.
Please feel free to distribute this article if you think so.
At least some links:
info(at)csu-bayern.de: The ultraconservative party which wants to put
gamers into prison
redaktion(at)tagesschau.de: One of the biggest German news portals
poststelle(at)stmi.bayern.de: The minister with the "prison idea"
politicians have found the main scapegoat to deflect fromsocial
problems of this overaged society: Computer Games. The press even
createted herefore the neologism "Killerspiele" and started the biggst
baiting of the last decades (and in Germany this means something!).
Every day the agitation against games and gamers becomes more and more
ugly. Now politicians try to cap each other with suggestions which
become more and more bizarre and are only possible in the German
neophobic society.
The latest, and most bizarre till now, is to punish the creation,
distribution and even the use(!) of the so called "Killerspiele" (FPS)
with up to one year prison! And this is not the end of the game, since
German politicians press the EU more and more to match.
It is unnecessary to mention that this is an extreme cut in the freedom
of opinion, recreational time and hence human rights. Thousands of
games would be criminalized. Also the economic consequences should be
enormous, since computer and software creators could also face trials.
The situation is despetate.
Please feel free to distribute this article if you think so.
At least some links:
info(at)csu-bayern.de: The ultraconservative party which wants to put
gamers into prison
redaktion(at)tagesschau.de: One of the biggest German news portals
poststelle(at)stmi.bayern.de: The minister with the "prison idea"