PrintOut with Adobe Acrobat 6.0

  • Thread starter Thread starter Tom
  • Start date Start date

Does anybody know how to print out with VBA a worksheet with Adobe
Acrobat 6.0?


Here's a code snippet I've used when printing out worksheets with the
Adobe Distiller. You'll need to reference the "Adobe Distiller" library
and the "Registration Manipulation Classes" library. The key to printing
with the Adobe Distiller is that the device name is not guaranteed to be
the same on any two machines. There's a numerical value in the device
name when installed that can change based on other installed devices, but
the GetDistillerPrinterName gets the correct value.

Sub SomeMethod(ws As Excel.Worksheet, fileDest As String)
Dim aDist As New ACRODISTXLib.PdfDistiller
Dim sPrinter As String

sPrinter = GetDistillerPrinterName 'See function below
If sPrinter = vbNullString Then
MsgBox "Adobe Distiller printer not found!"
Exit Sub
End If

ws.PrintOut 1, , , , sPrinter, True, , fileDest & ".ps"
aDist.FileToPDF fileDest & ".ps", fileDest & ".pdf", ""
Kill fileDest & ".ps"
End Sub


Public Function GetDistillerPrinterName() As String
'Purpose: Examines registry to determine the printer name for installed
' Adobe Distiller.

Dim rKey As RegObj.RegKey
Dim s As String

Set rKey = Registry.RegKeyFromString("\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software
\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Devices\")
s = rKey.Values("Acrobat Distiller").Value
If Len(s) Then
GetDistillerPrinterName = "Acrobat Distiller on " & Replace(s,
"winspool,", "")
End If
End Function

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