PrintOut Action

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The action arguments Page From and Page To for the PrintOut action make it
seem as if I can specify a certain print range. I want to print only the
first page of one report and pages 1-5 of another. The PrintOut Action still
prints all pages of each report despite the fact that I've set values for
Print From/To. Please help.

Hi Nicole

There is also a "Print Range" argument which can be set to "All",
"Selection" or "Pages".

Have you set this to "Pages" ?


Andy Hull
Hi again Nicole

I have no experience of this failing.

You say you have 2 reports. Presumably you also have 2 printout actions, one
of which has the following...

Print Range Pages
Page From 1
Page To 5

and the other has...

Print Range Pages
Page From 1
Page To 1

If the above is correct I am stumped.

Does the report have a sub-report? and is the sub-report over 1 page long?


Andy Hull

The print out actions were exactly as you stated and I have no sub-reports.
I'm going to look around in the Northwind database to check how they have
things set. If I can figure it out I'll let you know. Thank for your help.
