printing to NT4 domain printers

  • Thread starter Thread starter Brent Graham
  • Start date Start date

Brent Graham

I recently set up 5 Windows XP Pro workstations on our
NT4 domain. Everything seems to work correctly accept for
a couple issues when installing printers.

Where do I set permissions so that domain users can
install printers (both local and network) without making
them local administrators? When I attempt to add a
printer, I get a message saying there is a policy in
effect which prohibits it.

Also, is there a way to install a printer on the
workstation and have it be accessible by all users? As it
is right now, I have to reinstall each printer for every
user who logs in.

I'm sure there are simple solutions for these issues, but
I haven't found them yet.
1. Start, Administrative Tools, Local Security Settings, Local Policies,
Security Options
Devices: Prevent Users from installing printer drivers
Devices: Unsigned driver installation behaviour

Start, Run, key gpedit.msc, press Enter; Computer Configuration,
Administrative Templates, Printers
Disallow installation of printers using kernel-mode drivers

With Windows XP SP1, unfortunately there are a few printer drivers for which
I am unable to find a solution - have to add the printer first as

2. see In some
cases, (see above), you have to actually logon to the workstation as an
administrator to complete the driver installation. You can do that remotely
using the Remote Desktop Connection (Start, All Programs, Accessories,