Hi Simon,
I just answered your other post, it's very simple in fact. Just drop me a
line if you still have problem
You know what, I better post the code once and for all
in the "parent page"
<DIV id="panel1" name="panel1">
... content to be printed
<input type="button" onclick="OpenPrinter()">
function OpenPrinter(){
//Open a new windows with out any decoration just
var wi = open("Statsprint.aspx","printrecord",
in the new window:
function FillPage()
var div = document.all["CONTENT"];
var origdiv = window.opener.document.all["Panel1"];
div.innerHTML = origdiv.innerHTML;
<body MS_POSITIONING="GridLayout" onload="FillPage();">
<form id="Statsprint" method="post" runat="server">
<span id="CONTENT">
If you still have doubt just drop me a line,