I'll try this forum...
Using IE 6 and a HP printer web pages that I am trying to print don't
print. The right margin gets cut off and I can't seem to find the problem.
Everything else prints (documents, photos etc) As a sidenote when trying to
highlight and then print the site stays highlighted when using print preview
even after restarting the computer. Can someone help or direct me . Thanks
1 gb Ram
XP Pro
HP All IN One Printer
Using IE 6 and a HP printer web pages that I am trying to print don't
print. The right margin gets cut off and I can't seem to find the problem.
Everything else prints (documents, photos etc) As a sidenote when trying to
highlight and then print the site stays highlighted when using print preview
even after restarting the computer. Can someone help or direct me . Thanks
1 gb Ram
XP Pro
HP All IN One Printer