Printing problem with 2.0 Framework?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Schemer
  • Start date Start date



We have some test apps that print images to file using various printers.
The test app runs as expected under the (default) 1.1 Framework. When we
try to run with the 2.0 framework, we get "The handle is invalid" errors.
document, PrintEventArgs e)
document, PrintEventArgs e)
at System.Drawing.Printing.PrintController.Print(PrintDocument document)
at System.Drawing.Printing.PrintDocument.Print()
at MegaCorp.Printing.IcePrinting.PrintInBackground()
at MegaCorp.Printing.IcePrinting.Print()
at MegaCorpTest.Printing.IcePrintingMain.IcePrintingTests(TestCaseData

Adding a testapp.exe.config file with the section
<supportedRuntime version="v2.0.50727" />

is the only change we make.

We are trying to print from a class derived from PrintDocument; our
PrintPage handler is never called when the test fails.

Is this a driver problem, or is there maybe something we can do to make this
work for our customers using the 2.0 framework?

Thanks for any advice...
Hi Schemer,

I have performed some research over the call stack you provided, the "The
handle is invalid" error message should be caused by failure of Win32 API
StartDoc(), which is called in StandardPrintController.OnStartPrint()

I have also performed some search regarding this error with OnStartPrint in
both public and private databases, but I can not find a similar record. It
seems that this issue is not reported before.

Based on our GDI team leader "Feng Yuan"'s reply in the link below, it
seems that StartDoc reporting "the handle is invalid" does not always mean
the passed handle is invalid, it may be caused by some other issues. The
only reliable way to check this is using GetObjectType to check the HDC:

Since you are not using Win32 code, it is not easy to obtain the HDC and
pass it to GetObjectType. Also, without reproducing this problem, it is
hard for me to identify the root cause.

Have you tried this project on another machine? Can this be reproduced?
This will help to isolate if the problem is machine-specific.

Is it possible for you to create a little sample project to help us
reproduce the problem? If so, please feel free to provide it to me, this
will be the most efficient way for us to troubleshoot.


Best regards,
Jeffrey Tan
Microsoft Online Community Support
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