Printing PictureBox Image

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Hey Everyone.

When I try to print the image from a picturebox with:

e.Graphics.DrawImage( etc ...

It shows up on my print preview perfectly and even though
the origional image size is only 500k and the thumbnail Im
trying to print im sure is far smaller, the file it generates
to print is something like 50MB and takes forever to print.

Is there something Im missing? Im just trying to print a
small picture.

Thanks for the Use of your Brain.
It's the size of the output image that's important. If you print to an A4
page for example the page will be around 8.5 X 11 inches at the priner
resolution, say 300 DPI. Multiply this by 4 for the number of bytes in a
pixel and you get something in the order of 33 megabytes. If your printer
resolution is higher the size of the file will be correspondingly higher.

Bob Powell [MVP]
Visual C#, System.Drawing

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